Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Fool's Errand...or Cynical Delaying Tactic?

From BBC News Website: “All MPs' receipts for expenses claimed over four years must be independently scrutinised, Gordon Brown has said.”

Wow! Just when we were getting bored with the stories of the widespread integrity-bypass surgery that has been carried out on our British politicians over recent decades, our glorious leaders go and prove that they are stupid as well. The only good that I can see coming of wading through the paperwork will be that it will get the whole sorry mess off the front pages...for a while. Sure, it'll be a good short-term fix for the Westminster troughers. But it can only end in more tears. Either the "independent" examination will turn up yet more embarrasing facts about dodgy claims; and let's face it, that has to be pretty likely, since the media have had only a short time to go through all the data - there's bound to be the odd turd yet to float to the surface. Or alternatively, the public will see this cynical delaying tactic for what it is. I suppose its a win-win from Big Gordy's perspective though. By the time the turds start bobbing, Labour will be out of government and Catchphrase Cameron will be bringing us "new" "change" through his "effective ethical and environmental policy agenda," delivering "green jobs in a green economy for a better future." And all because "we voted for change we can believe in." Eeeeeuuuuuchhhhhh!!!!!

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