Friday, 5 June 2009

Chat exits Sac

Ha ha! The cat is finally out of the bag! It was that little french tart Nicolas Psykozy himself that snubbed HM The Queen over tomorrow's D-Day commemorations! What a vane little prick he is! He even got his publicity people to airbrush out his love handles when he went canoeing without a shirt on. God, he's a pygmy in every sense of the word. How dare he try to hog the love-in with St Barack of States! Doesn't he know Her Maj actually served in a uniformed service during the war? Probably not. He looks like he comes from a long line of Vichyssoise-type collaborators. The ones that were queueing up to kick a hole in the Maginot line in 1940 to welcome the Nazis in. We brought our country to its knees so that dicks like him and De Gaulle could ponce-on pretending France actually played a worthwhile role in the liberation. All they did was keep out of the way of the British, Canadian and US lions as they roared their way through their tin-pot country. Now he goes on like this! It all boils down to embarrassment at the fact that we had to bail them out of the shit that THEY had got THEMSELVES into. Arseholes! Lions bailing out lambs.

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