Monday, 8 June 2009

From the sublime to the deeply depressing

On Saturday 6th June 2009, we celebrated the 65th anniversary of one of the most honourable and proud days in our nation's history. Less than 24 hours later, the European Election vote count revealed that we will soon be sending two fascists to represent our country in the European Parliament. The political elite of this country - and the large numbers of voters who were too lazy to get off their backsides and prevent this calamity - should feel shame. The BNP lurch from generating a deep sense of anger in me (when they try to justify race hate) to making me laugh out loud (when I "study" their economic policy - which wouldn't pass a GCSE-level close examination). But to have them representing any of us in any way, shape or form in Europe disgusts me. The collapse of Labour's vote is a personal tragedy for Brown, Moribund, Caroline Flaunt etc. But the election of two BNP MEPs is bad for the whole of Britain. Too many people voted for hate and fear. Too many people didn't vote at all. And too many politicians have failed to show leadership, and failed to publicly reinforce what Britishness really means. And this is the result. A bad day.

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