Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Ding Dong Ring's On!

Shock events at PMQ's today. So many of the thieves have now had to resign that there was hardly anyone left. Latest to go is the Ginger wheelie bin herself, Ms Hazel Blears. How she ever gets across a motorbike is a mystery to me. A tonka trike, maybe. But a real bike? Get away with ya! No doubt there's more resignations to come. And old Yellowplush says "bring them on!" It's an opportunity to forget the fact that we're not getting a proper election to show the robbers how we really feel. And even real system-change seems to have started writhing it's way off the agenda with Tony Wright's shameful performance on the Daily Politics yesterday. It may serve your interests to move on, but it doesn't serve Britain's. Shameful.

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